
1. Policy Framework

Caption: contents 1
1.1 Underlying Policy, Principles and Values  
1.2 Recognition of Significant Harm  
1.3 Responding to Abuse and Neglect  
1.5 Faltering Growth  
1.6 A Model for Assessment  
1.7 Statutory Framework  
1.8 Protocol on Sharing Information in Order to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children  
1.9 Quality Assurance Framework Updated

2. The Safeguarding Children Partnership

Caption: Contents 2
2.1 Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership - under review  

3. Early Help and Team Around the Child

Caption: Contents 3
3.1 Team Around the Child Supporting Documentation - under review  
  See also: Early Intervention: Policy and Provision (House of Commons Library)  

4. Managing Individual Cases where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare - Procedures

Caption: Contents 4
4.1 Introduction  
4.2 Being Alert  
4.3 Safeguarding Referrals Procedure  
4.4 Immediate Protection  
4.5 Social Care Assessments  
4.6 Strategy Discussions  
4.7 Section 47 Enquiries and Social Work Assessments  
4.8 Initial Child Protection Conferences  
4.9 Arrangements for Children who are Subject to a Child Protection Plan  
4.10 Implementation of the Child Protection Plan - Lead Social Worker and Core Group Responsibilities  
4.11 Child Protection Review Conferences  

5. Children in Specific Circumstances

Caption: contents 5
5.1 Abuse of Disabled Children  
5.2 Child Abuse and Information Communication Technology - under review  
5.3 Lincolnshire Paediatric Sexual Assault Referral Pathway  
5.4 Child Exploitation Policy Updated
  See also: Child Exploitation Procedure  
5.5 LSCP Joint Protocol for Missing Children and Young People - under review  
5.6 Children Missing Education - under review Updated
5.7 Parental Mental Health Guidance  
5.8 Children from Abroad Updated
5.9 Children Living Away from Home  
5.10 Safeguarding Children Affected by Problematic Drug and Alcohol Use (Parental and Child use) - under review Updated
5.11 Multi-Agency Domestic Abuse Protocol  
  See also: HM Government, Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy  
5.12 Complex Safeguarding (Organised or Multiple) Abuse also known as Gold Group  
5.13 Fabricated or Induced Illness/Perplexing Presentation Updated
5.14 Female Genital Mutilation - under review  
5.15 Male Circumcision  
5.16 Forced Marriage - under review  
5.17 Procedures for Digitally Recorded Interviews with Children  
5.18 Recognising Disguised Compliance & Disengagement Among Families: Practice Guidance  
5.19 Elective Home Education Protocol (Lincolnshire County Council)  
5.20 Working with Sexually Active Young People - under review  
5.21 Child on Child Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse and Sexually Harmful Behaviours Updated
5.22 Supporting Children and Young People Vulnerable to Violent Extremism - under review  
5.23 Visits to Prisons by Children  
5.24 Pre-Birth Protocol  
5.25 Teenage Pregnancy Pathway  
5.26 Cross Border Child Protection Cases under the Hague Convention  
5.27 Multi-Agency Self Harm Pathway Flowcharts  
5.28 Pre-Trial Therapy or Pre-Proceedings Protocol  
5.29 Bruising in Babies and Children who are Not Independently Mobile  
5.30 Transient Families Guidance  
5.31 Neglect Strategy  
5.32 Banned Items in Lincolnshire Schools, Academies and Colleges Updated
5.33 Model Misuse of Drugs Policy for Schools and Academies Updated
5.34 Good Practice Guidance on Authorising Absence in Educational Establishments without Parental Consent  
5.35 Concealment and Denial of Pregnancy and Birth  
5.36 Visitors to Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (LPFT)  
5.37 Joint Lincolnshire Protocol to Reduce Offending and the Criminalisation of Children in Care  
5.38 Safeguarding Children in the Presence of Dogs  
5.39 Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Policy to Support Young Carers and their Families  
5.40 Private Children's Homes Strategy  
5.41 Residential Children's Home Guide for Children and Young People  
5.42 Surrogacy  
5.43 Discharge Planning from Physical Healthcare Hospitals when there are Safeguarding Concerns about a Child  
5.44 Gender Identity Guidance  
5.45 Safer Sleep for Infants Guidance Updated
5.46 Preventing and Responding to Bullying and Stalking Toolkit  
5.47 Joint Working Protocol for Lincolnshire's Joint Diversionary Panel (JDP) Updated
5.48 Children and Young People Out of Court Disposal Policy New
5.49 Harmful Sexual Behaviour Panel Terms of Reference New
5.50 Separated Parents Policy Updated
5.51 Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Procedure for Professionals requesting Child Protection Medicals New
5.52 Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief New

6. Safe Workforce

Caption: contents 6
6.1 Managing Allegations of Abuse Made Against Persons who Work with Children and Young People  
6.2 Keeping Children Safe in Education  
  See also:  
6.3 Guidance for Safer Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers  

7. Individuals who Pose a Risk to Children

Caption: contents 7
7.1 Risk Posed by People with Convictions Against Children  
7.2 Abused by Children and Young People  
7.3 Children and Young People who Display Sexually Inappropriate or Harmful Behaviours - under review  

8. Complaints and Professional Disagreements

Caption: contents 8
8.1 Complaints about Child Protection Conferences  
8.2 Professional Resolution and Escalation Protocol  

9. Child Death

Caption: contents 9
9.1 Investigation of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Childhood  
9.2 Child Death Reviews  

10. Significant Incidents

Caption: contents 10
10.1 Serious Incident Review Guidance  

11. Appendices

Caption: contents 11
11.1 Local Contacts Updated
11.2 NICE Guidance - When to suspect child maltreatment  
11.3 NICE Guidance - Post natal care up to 8 weeks after birth  
11.4 General Medical Council - Protection children and Young People (The responsibilities of all doctors)  
11.5 Amendments