

Guidance and Resources for Child Protection Evidence (RCPCH)


This chapter was updated in September 2021 as part of the three year review process. Minor changes have been made to language and terminology.


This section provides advice on what should happen if somebody has concerns about the welfare of a child (including those living away from home), and in particular concerns that a child may be suffering, or may be likely to suffer, Significant Harm. It includes guidance on information sharing and sets out the principles which underpin work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The following describes the position where there are concerns about a child who is living in Lincolnshire, whether permanently or temporarily:

Where emergency referrals relate to:

  • A child living in or found in Lincolnshire, however temporarily, the primary responsibility for any further action lies with Lincolnshire Children's Services;
  • A child Looked After by or placed by an authority, or if the child is the subject of a Child Protection Plan in another authority, Lincolnshire Children's Services should consult with the authority responsible for the child. Only when this authority explicitly accepts responsibility is Lincolnshire relieved of the responsibility to take emergency action. Such acceptance should then be confirmed in writing.

Achieving good outcomes for children requires all those with responsibility for the assessment and provision of services to work together according to agreed plans of action.

The Early Help Assessment (EHA) provides a process for undertaking a child centred assessment which aims to help practitioners gather and understand information about the needs and strengths of the child and family, based on discussions with the child, their family and other practitioners as appropriate. This Team Around the Child (TAC) process is the basis of all interagency work with children and families. It provides the means to enable practitioners to work together to support children and families where it is identified that a child or young person needs additional support in order for them to achieve their full potential.

Individual agencies should ensure that their own policies and procedures support and are consistent with the approach outlined in this section and procedures outlined in Meeting the Needs of Children in Lincolnshire (see A Model for Assessment Procedure and the Lincolnshire TAC Handbook).